The Just Best | by Mayuto Correa

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MARVELOUS LIFE By Mayuto CorreaJune 27, 2023

This is to approve the comments for my article, MARVELOUS LIFE By Mayuto CorreaJune 27, 2023

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“RACISM IS EXACT” – By Mayuto Correa

RACISM IS EXACT  (Written on June 5, 2016)                                                                                               […]

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DICTATOR AT HEART – By Mayuto Correa

“DICTATOR AT HEART” Here I am again giving my opinion about the President’s behavior. As I mentioned in previous articles published at, the American actual president is a dictator at heart, everything he does is created by that sentiment. The actual separation of children from their parents is a dictatorial measures imposed against the […]

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“DICTATOR AT HEART” – By Mayuto Correa

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Hi There, Though I consider Senator Kamala Harris my favorite candidate for US presidency, I totally disagree with the way her political campaign is handled, when it comes to communicate with voters. More specifically, by being only interested in getting the money contribution, without paying attention to voter’s opinion and critic. That turns me off, […]

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GOODBYE TO MY FRIEND  JOAO DONATO  By MAYUTO CORREA This is a sad day for Brazil and for me. The departure of a friend,  even if it is to go to Heaven, causes an impact on my heart that  can only be compensated by remembering how great a person  he is. But I haven’t waited a […]

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This article is about a life that is devoted to the Lord, Jesus, which shows, in detail, the importance of it. I have to say that Jesus doesn’t need to be justified because his life happened with absolute precision in every moment, and he announced every event before it came to pass. He was in […]

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WINNING BEHAVIOR – by Mayuto Correa

Competition is the most widespread activity in the world. That is in everyone’s life. In politics, sports, professional positions, media activities, and even between religions.But, yet it’s not properly understood, and its consequences are not recognized as they should be. The vital power propelling competition comes from evil, not from good. To notice that; you clearly, place yourself as the loser in the competition; then […]

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Surveys and letters sent with politicians’ name are not real, because they are written by persons employed by the parties. That is immoral and offensive to us, citizens. I know that because, being journalist and professor of behavior I have responded many of those letters addressing this issue and I have, never, received response to […]

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DISUNION by: Mayuto Correa

(This article is being published on NOVEMBER 2, 2020)The world hasn’t yet felt the urgency to unite and make the necessary changes to preserve life. For many years, economy is the focus of countries that are competing with each other, with their money power reaching trillions of trillions of dollars while millions of millions of […]

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